
Read our latest thinking on world-class leadership, and how you can create an environment for high performance.

The Arrowhead

From a strategic perspective, the underlying philosophy of leadership is: to enable all parts of the organisation to work collectively  collaboratively to deliver the strategy whilst living the values.   We know that highly successful leaders do both of these

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The 4P Approach

We have explored the Vmax DRIVE model and seen how this enables us to understand how a leadership team is performing against the two critical determinants of envisioning and executing change. When we use this model in the change process

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Ability to Envision and Execute

In the April Insights we explored the Vmax DRIVE model as a means of evaluating leadership team capability against the two capabilities of having the ability to envision a future state and the ability to execute on that vision and

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A case study in co-creativity. The 6 steps.

A Case Study On Co-Creativity

Achieving the Co-creative phase of the organisational maturity curve is a true paradigm shift, because many of the behaviours that worked up to this point can become limiting and frustrate further progress. Up to and including achievement of the Connected

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Connected to Co-Creativity

The Transformative Power of Co-creativity

In last month’s Insight we explored the nature of Organisational Maturity, and recognised that many organisations get to the Connected Phase, then stop developing, or become increasingly focused on ensuring compliance to the ‘connection processes’, which in turn stifles further

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