Roadmap Towards Business Leadership
A structured process to enable leadership teams to become more collaborative and deliver greater value for their business
Structured 1:1 interviews with team members to understand their background, experience and approach to business leadership, together with an evaluation of the cohesion and performance of the leadership team.
Workshop to understand how the team is operating, the negative impact of silo-working and to equip the team with best practice guidance and support on using their functional expertise to become business leaders.
Team coaching sessions to explore, in real-time, the ways in which the team is contributing and collaborating with a strong focus on guiding the embedding of high performance team behaviours in an authentic manner.
One day workshop to understand how the team performance is improving, the value this is creating and the pathways available through which team performance and role-model leadership can be embedded and improved.
Diagnostic Interviews
In the diagnostic phase we are seeking to fully understand your organisation, your team and your operating environment. Off the shelf solutions don’t work here so we need to ensure that we can design a solution specifically for your organisation and your leadership team.
We will want to talk with the CEO, with the leadership team and with a range of stakeholders so that we can understand how the leadership team operates, how they are perceived and, specifically, what outstanding performance looks like.
The content of the interviews is confidential to give people the opportunity to speak openly – we will cluster the responses into themes which we can then use to develop and drive high performance behaviours through this process.
The interviews will typically take 45-60 minutes per person and for most organisations we can get this done over a two-day period.
Team Workshop
The team workshop is the first opportunity to hold the mirror up to the leadership team and discuss how they are operating and how they are perceived by colleagues and stakeholders.
We use this process to raise self-awareness and to ensure that the whole team is on the same page with regard to their focus and commitment to become a high performing business leadership team.
Within the workshop we explore the nature of teams comprising technical experts versus the nature of teams comprising business leaders and draw out the pathway to focus the development journey. In this way we are able to provide specific tools, techniques and approaches that will help each individual and the whole team to develop high performance habits and behaviours.
The workshop takes a day, typically off-site, and each person leaves with a clear development focus which they will take into the later stages of this journey.
Action Learning
Action learning is a powerful way to accelerate the team development process and has been used with significant results in a wide range of organisations.
It enables us to work with the Leadership team as a whole, exploring how the team is working, how it is translating the learning from the Team Workshop into actions and now those actions are delivering value.
We recognise the difficulty of changing behaviour and the fact that this is made very much easier and faster when supported by a team of colleagues engaging in the same development journey. The Action Learning process enables us to engage in open conversations with the team about their behaviours, performance and profile and support them in intentionally becoming high performance role models.
Action Learning sessions typically take between 2-3 hours and are scheduled inline with the existing meeting structure so that we can address development whilst tackling the real issues that the team need to deal with. We will usually seek to hold three of these meetings in this development journey.
One-to-One Coaching
Coaching is recognised as one of the most effective leadership development processes across the world and is exceptionally powerful in enhancing self-awareness and driving performance improvements through insightful conversations.
Coaching conversations are confidential which gives leaders the opportunity to explore openly how and why they behave as they do, and importantly, how they want to modify their behaviours to deliver outstanding performance, consistently and authentically.
Coaching is an action-oriented process and sessions always conclude with a summary of the learning and a focus on specific actions that the leader will take to boost their performance and team contributions. The coaching process builds self-awareness, knowledge and capability through the successive sessions.
Coaching conversations typically take 90 minutes, and we hold 4 of these with each person through the development journey within a structured timeline that enables actions and reflections between each session.
Pathways Workshop
The culmination of this programme is a leadership team workshop in which we take time to reflect on how the individual leaders and the team have developed through the process and measure this against the initial objectives from the Diagnostic Interviews.
The workshop is specifically designed to evaluate, celebrate and consolidate the learning and progress that has been made, the beneficial impact this has had on team and organisational performance. It recognises that being a high performing and collaborative team is not an end state, rather it is a process of adaptation and growth which needs to be managed with purposeful intent.
The forward focus for the workshop is to help the team to understand and agree appropriate development pathways through which their performance can be enhanced and embedded across the whole organisation.
This is a one-day workshop and again each person leaves with a clear action plan based on substantive, evidence-based feedback and a confidence that they can manage their ongoing development journey.
Diagnostic Interviews 2 days
Focused design 1 day
Team workshop 1 day
Action Learning 1 day
1:1 Coaching (8 people) 2 days
Pathways Workshop 1 day
Total – 8 days @ £1,600pd = £12,800 plus VAT and expenses as incurred
Elapsed time 4 months
Supplementary Support Options
- Personality profiling and team profile workshop
£220 per person plus £2,400 plus VAT and expenses as incurred
- Additional Coaching sessions
£4800 for 6 sessions plus VAT and expenses as incurred
- Additional Workshops on topics relevant to your team/business
£2,400 per day plus VAT and expenses as incurred